Wednesday, September 26, 2007


for those of you who don't know carlos and aurore, some explanation is due. carlos is our caretaker when we are away. his mother, aurore kept house for the prior owner of our home for 25 years. they are our security system when we are not here, checking on things, keeping the yard, and cleaning up after we, or other guests have left. carlos is mid 30's and aurore has just retired. carlos is in america today. he left monday for a month to attend a cousin's wedding in wallingford, ct. we told carlos we would take him to the train monday morning to start his journey.

we were on our way home from the dordogne and the phone rings. it is carlos. we know he is nervous about his trip, and wants to make sure we are coming home to take him to the train. yes, carlos, we will be there. he wants to come up and see us when we get home. pre trip jitters. we pick up the dog, and carlos is here to greet us as we pull in. we go over everything again, and then we head to bed. telling him to get some sleep, he will need it.

alarm set for 6:45 to pick carlos up at 7:30 for his 8:36 train in valence which is 20 minutes away from our house. wake up at 6:30, just as well, alarm doesn't wake my sleeping beauty. pull up to carlos' at 7:30 on the dot. he and aurore come out with his bag, and the one we gave him sunday night to carry the champagne in, his wedding gift to the cousin.

aurore, of course, doesn't look like she'll let him go. she told us this has always been a dream of carlos, to visit his uncle in america. it looks like he'll get there! we ride along to the station and i can tell he is nervous. this is a day of new discoveries for him, his first tgv ride, and his first airplane excursion, first trip to america.

we get to the staion and i am hoisting his heavy suitcase along as he rolls the suitcase we lent him along. we have a coffee and croissant while waiting. better than standing and fidgeting. finally time to go, and we proceed to the gate, me lugging the monster, carlos rolling the other. as we get to the gate he says he'll carry the heavy one, and i tell him, "no, you'll carry both. this is the end of the line for me." he realizes at that point that from there on he is on his own.

we shake hands, say au revoir, and he makes his way down the elevator. i walk back to the car and look down at the platform to see him standing alone.

bon voyage carlos!

we will let you know if we hear from him. can't wait to hear his stories when he returns.

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