Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Au Revoir NY / Bonjour St. Marcellin

Carlos is back from NY! Yes, dressed in his new Hawaiian shirt and looking no worse for the wear, we picked up Carlos at the TGV station this afternoon. There he was looking like the well seasoned traveler toting his 2 suitcases and several cartons of cigarettes! (cheaper in the US ya know!) Smiling from ear to ear it was obvious his first ever hop across the pond resulted in one "formidable" adventure. Despite his fatigue (no sleep on the big 747) he was just like the Ever-Ready bunny. He talked non stop about his month long stay and he already has plans made to return to the US. He is one happy camper to have been, but I'm not so sure he's too thrilled to be back. Boy, those adjustments come at ya fast!!! He returns to work on Thursday, and having enjoyed the warm weather in NY, he returns here to a low temperature tonight of 26 degrees - COLD! Aurore, Carlos' sweet mother was so pleased to get him home, and she had planned a little welcome home aperitif event for Carlos. Invitees were Walker, Aurore, Carlos and myself. It was a pleasant end to Carlos' life changing journey I think. We are glad he's back in our neighborhood! We've missed him. Bienvenue en France Carlos!

Hopefully in a future post we can send you a picture of Carlos in his NY T-shirt! Stay tuned!

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