Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hit the Ground Running

Dick returned to France this afternoon and we had told him to "wear his go shoes" back from the states. Thank goodness he listened because he landed in Lyon, we threw him in the car and headed to Switzerland. (Of course we were thrilled to see him!) Our destination for the night was Chamonix, France home of majestic Mont Blanc (mountain) and Mont Blanc tunnel (10 miles + long beneath the mountain connecting France and Italy!) We arrived just before sunset and what spectacular scenery. It is truly gorgeous and as long as I keep my feet at the bottom of the mountain, all is well. Those altitudes are not for me. But the two men in my life seem to thrive on the taller the better. They have plans to return during ski season! I say bon voyage!!

We were last in Chamonix 8 years ago when there was a terrible accident in the tunnel where 40 people (mostly firefighters from the town) were killed. We had just been through the tunnel less than 24 hours before the accident and those memories certainly made the return to this Alpine town a moving experience.

After a quick night's rest and an attempt for Dick to overcome his jet lag, we jumped in the car and headed across the majestic Alps to Switzerland. Our destination was Martigny, Switzerland which is a small city that rests at the foot of the Alps in the valley. It was a spectacular drive with the deciduous conifers at their peak of golden color and bright sunshine making the scenery even more amazing.

Martigny really has very little to draw one there, EXCEPT Roman ruins, and a JEWEL of an artifact, art, automobile museum and sculpture garden (yes all in one spot!). The exhibit we went to see had 200 Marc Chagall paintings and it was truly incredible.

The other parts of the museum were unbelievable too and its diversity of information and exhibits was spellbinding for us all. Of course pictures are included for you to see. After a delicious lunch stop, it was back on the road to cross the Alps before dark, and head back to St. Marcellin. It was a whirlwind trip, but so worthwhile. The museum is one of those little known spots that all of you should have on your "must see" list. A delight!!!
Visit www.foundationpierregianadda.com.

Walker's Swiss Girl Friend

Dick's Swiss Girl Friend

Next stop - Naples and southern environs of Italy. Hope you'll travel along! (Departure Nov. 7)

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