Saturday, October 27, 2007

Report from the French Foreign Legion

Today we did our Saturday ritual of going to the market for all things fresh and wonderful. We were amazed at the oceans of beautiful flowers, only to learn from a friend that this is ALL SAINTS WEEK. Yes, we know it as All Saints Day, but in typical french fashion, they will make it a holiday WEEK!!! Everyone we know has or is leaving town heading to such far flung places as Kenya to stay in a tent for the week. We were told the place to visit for All Saints Day is the cemetary to see all the magnificent flowers. So, looks like we will be doing our socializing in the cemetary. At least it will be beautiful!!!

So, no friends around, and the wonderful Skype phone that allows us to chat with friends and fam in the US notified us today that we had reached our legal limit for chatting this month. Now this did not set well with us, but we are at least thankful that November 1st is almost here. We'll be back in Skype mode come the 1st and Dick will be back on this side of the pond then also. So looks like we will be celebrating Nov. 1 just like everyone else over here!!!

Thank goodness Carlos is home from NY. Today, dressed in the national uniform that we call "french blues", he helped me do a little landscape work. I felt the need to create a winter "cheer me up garden", so to work we went. Of course there is the perpetual communication problem, BUT thanks to we did just fine. I type in the English and voila, up pops the French. We even went to the garden shop, made our purchases, planted, and the end result is just wonderful. Of course there are other projects up my sleeve, so you can count on getting a real work out!

Walker has been at a Rugby tournament today. It was really fun and a gorgeous day to play. He was selected to play this match and was able to play alot. The best news was St. Marcellin won!!! He loves the game and his team mates have been wonderful to him.

We're not sure what's up for tomorrow - but we are hoping for another beautiful day like today.

So, continue to catch us if you can, just not on the Skype phone (wait until Nov.1). In the meantime we'll be praying the internet stays connected!!! If all else fails, check Google maps and you may see two lost souls wondering through the St. Marcellin cemetary.

Happy All Saints Week to one and all!

1 comment:

margaret said...

What a fabulously visual celebration!
Merci beaucoup, you two!