Thursday, June 26, 2008


Our final day of this year long French adventure is upon us. It has been a year of enrichment, comedy, struggle, and growth. We are all different and stronger for having done what we have this year. It has been a journey were our eyes have been opened to many things about our world that 'staying home' would have never allowed us to learn and experience.

In short, it is time to say farewell to all things French. Here we share some of those goodbyes with you!

Goodbye to lovely French traditions and neighbors!

Goodbye to wonderful shopping!

Goodbye to foods that are too pretty to eat!

Goodbye to - "will it be red or rose?"

Goodbye to wonderful lazy days!

Goodbye to special places!

Though it is sad to say farewell to so many special people, places, and things, we have learned that no matter how wonderful the spot is you are visiting, there truly is no place like HOME!!!

So we close the door to this year's adventure, and head HOME. We carry with us a ton of wonderful memories from a year long journey that we will never forget. But now we are excited to return HOME, where all of you dear family and friends await us. Thank you for 'traveling along' with us during this year and know we appreciate your kindness and support! We are eager to see each of you. Until then, know we have missed you terribly, and we thank you for making HOME where the heart is!!!

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