Sunday, June 8, 2008

Paris in a Whirl Wind

We last visited Paris in the winter, and we knew it deserved a revisit in the spring. Kate has a friend, Anna Stokes, from Winston-Salem, who is working in London, so we invited her to join us on our quick visit. It was so fun for us all to be with Anna. We quickly had our picnic lunch at the base of the Eiffel Tower and then it was off to see and do much in typical tourist in Paris fashion.

It had been years since Dick, Kate and I had visited the Musee d'Orsay, and Walker had never been. So it was only appropriate to wrap up our art history year in this museum. Kate and Anna went their merry way, and Walker wanted to explore on his own. Knowing he is not a fan of impressionism (he is a Renaissance man!) we figured he would make us think he was exploring and just circle back to sit on the bench where we were to meet up. He saw more, learned more, and I think appreciated his time at the D'Orsay more than any of the rest of us! A true testimonial to his year of European art exposure!!!

Kate and Anna continued their Parisienne experience by pounding the pavement for sightseeing and shopping. Dick, Walker and I were content strolling the less touristy back streets and cafes where we watched a Parisenne woman refuse to move her little puffy white dog from his seat at the table. Oh Paris, what can one say!!! As we continued meandering, much to our surprise we saw a high school class mate of Kate's ... David Eisenach is living in Paris for the summer!!! It was such a SMALL world experience to run into David!! And then Saturday night, Kate, Anna, and Walker were able to have dinner with him.

Sunday was rise and shine early, grab plain, apple, and chocolate croissants, along with our picnic items for lunch, and off we raced to the train for Versaille. The sun was shining and hardly a cloud in the sky. The day and the experience were amazing!! Versaille is of course a place without an equal both inside and out, and this visit allowed us the opportunity to explore both (along with hoards of other visitors). We had our lunch in the incredible gardens, Dick and Walker rode bikes, and Kate, Anna, and I explored Marie Antoinette's FABULOUS Petit Hameau (little hamlet). We all agreed a relocation to "Marie-ville" was in order!
What a place to escape to when the stresses and strains of royal life at Versaille were just too much!

Sadly to say, our camera was on a technical "vacation" during the weekend so we have no photos to share. It is best that you plan a visit of your own any way!

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