Monday, October 29, 2007

French Treats

Here it is Halloween, and not a single sign of the commercial side of the season that you would be seeing in the US. It is only thanks to sister PPBundy and her shipment of Halloween decorations and treats that we would even know there was such a celebration going on. But you can rest assured, 3 Montee du Calvaire is fully prepared!!! After all, we are Americans!!

Living in a very rural part of France, the only sign of the season we see are pumpkins. The area farmers gather their fall produce and put on an Ancient Fair. It is a delight to see and so refreshing to "step back" to times past, though I think this is pretty much present day for agrarian France. Walker and I made the little journey to our neighborhood St-Antoine L'Abbaye (11th C Abbey) where the fair was going on. Beautiful day for the event, nippy temps, but we were quickly warmed by the roasted chestnuts, hot wine, sausage, soup and a cast of characters! So, we'll share the sights of the season and we wish each of you a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


beachbeanb said...

Hey! I am so impressed! I left Walker a message on his blog about how this is going to be a year in his life he will never forget! What a great decision you made - I know it is not easy sometimes but the everyday hum-drum life isn't easy - might as well throw some adventure in there to make it interesting and memorable! Your photographs are incredible! I will check back and get your updates!

Jeannie from FL

RSS said...

Great post. we loved St-Antoine L'Abbaye last summer. such a neat place. they were opening the bee hives for the honey then and all was a buzz. when are you coming to amsterdam? have fun with dick when he gets back tomorrow and we'll be in touch soon. cheers. rob, joan the the kids.